JOINT CUSTODY: Book One: The Gatz Chronicles by Lauren Baratz-Logsted & Jackie Logsted - REVIEW & GIVEAWAY

"What a handsome dog! Would it be all right if I pet him?"

It all begins with a meet-cute between The Man, a writer and The Woman, an editor. The Man is walking home after rescuing a border collie at the shelter. The Woman stops him and names the dog, Gatz on the spot. It turns out, The Great Gatsby is their favorite book. They become a couple on the spot.

JOINT CUSTODY (Berkley) by the mother-daughter, Logsted team is a story about a very special dog. Gatz, who brings The Man and The Woman together and does just about anything, well let's just say everything, he eats two-pounds of chocolate, to keep them together. It's told from the perspective of Gatz and he wants the three of them to be a forever family. It could have been gimmicky, but Gatz is a real fleshed out character you can't help but love. 

After three years, The Man and The Woman break up. The Man suggests joint custody because he knows The Woman loves Gatz. She gets Monday through Friday, he gets weekends. The Man wants to continue his relationship with The Woman, but he's a bit of a curmudgeon and she's tired of it.

Soon The Woman meets The New Man. He's another writer and wants her to be his editor and more, but isn't that a conflict of interest? 

The JOINT CUSTODY takeaway for me? "Sometimes, you don't get the happily ever after you hoped for and worked for, or even thought you'd get, but that's okay. Just so long as everyone ends up happy."

 A sneak preview of the sequel is at the end of the book..


Lauren Baratz-Logsted is the author of 40 books for adults, teens and children, including The Sisters 8 series for young readers which she created with her husband Greg Logsted and their daughter Jackie. Her books have been published in 15 countries. She has yet to meet a jigsaw puzzle that could defeat her. Lauren lives with her family in Connecticut where, surprisingly, she has a cat.

Jackie Logsted is a college student studying film, screenwriting, and American Studies, training to write and direct movies. She created The Sisters 8 series with her mother and father, and had a short story published in Ink Stains Vol. 7. She knows her cat would be jealous to find out she wrote a book about a dog, so she chooses not to tell him. At college, she runs into many dogs, and never condescendingly calls them "buddy".

We have one copy to giveaway. Just tell us your Valentine's Day plans. We'll announce a winner soon. Good luck.

GIVEAWAY: USA only please

To purchase  JOINT CUSTODY


  1. I am going to order takeout for Valentine’s Day

  2. I will cook a nice Valentine's Day meal for us at home.

  3. I'll just be home with my family. Maybe we'll have a special dinner or something.

  4. We usually go out for a nice dinner one evening close to Valentine's Day, depending on the day it falls on. I don't know that that can happen this year. We will either do that or do take out somewhere.

  5. Staying home and having a nice dinner.

  6. Quiet dinner at home.
    jtcgc at yahoo dot com

  7. I will share a delicious dinner with my husband that we will have delivered from one of our favorite restaurants, and I will call both of my children whom I haven’t seen in person for over a year and with whom I am very close and love dearly.

  8. I don't have any personal plans but you never know what might happen. I have a couple book giveaways starting on Sunday though, so I am sharing my love that way.

  9. no plans
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  10. Staying home, reading, and relaxing - it's my mom's birthday and mine is 2/16

    bookloverfl12 at gmail dot com


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