THE BETTER HALF by Alli Frank & Asha Youmans - Review


The past five years have been anything but a picnic for Nina Morgan Clarke and she's ready for some positive energy. She's taken a position at the top of her profession, first generation, Black female head of the Royal-Hawkins School. To celebrate, Nina and her best friend, Marisol take a long-awaited and needed girls' trip. In Alli Frank and co-author, Asha Youmans' new novel, THE BETTER HALF (MindysBookStudio) they use humor and compassion to write a story that tackles complex issues.

On vacay, Nina meets Leo, a white man who wants more than a weekend quickie. Nina's ex husband has moved across country, her daughter is doing well at boarding school and everything seems to be going along without any problems. But then come the problems and life becomes a hot mess.

THE BETTER HALF is about dealing with unwanted life-altering choices and reacting to what happens when you make plans for the future. The duo deliver a heart-warming story about friendship, family and overcoming fears.

Alli Frank and Asha Youmans found literary soulmates in each other after working together as teacher and school administrator in Seattle, WA. They discovered a shared mission as educators and as authors— to use humor, joy and compassion to write stories that encourage candid conversations about issues such as race, religion, culture, class, privilege, parenting and education. Their debut, Tiny Imperfections, tackled desperate parents and their ill-fated misbehaviors with razor-sharp wit, followed by Never Meant to Meet You, which deftly mined the often comedic and underexplored common ground between Black and Jewish experiences in America.

Alli Frank and Asha Youmans bring their very different cultural backgrounds and perspectives together to write in one seamless, cohesive voice, united in their belief that humor and fiction can inspire empathy and learning, and that exposure to diverse experiences can only enrich one’s life.

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